Star Wars Marketing II

Joining on the Star Wars marketing surge is HP, with ads from BBDO New York and 180LA on their “Keep Reinventing” campaign. Ads include asking people to ‘Reinvent Romance’ by building an R2-D2 to deliver a love letter (Really?) and ‘Reinvent Music’ that highlights their laptops. Not really sure if any reinvention actually did happen in any of the ads, but they’re a fun tie in to the upcoming film (17th December!).

About the campaign via FastCoCreate:

According to chief marketing officer Antonio Lucio, the campaign tagline “Keep Reinventing” is much ore than a slogan but a mission for the company to remain relevant. Lucio sees Star Wars a bit like the Olympics. It’s a fantastic opportunity but the brand is also competing against all the others brands who have the same chance. The goal is to make it as memorable and identified with your own brand as much as possible. For HP, the key was to use technology—and Star Wars—as a vehicle for emotion.

“When we looked at the brand, it seemed like HP had more of a brain than a heart,” says Lucio. “And my objective was to bring the heart back into the brand. I fundamentally believe, and numbers will prove, that when the heart commits the brain can only follow. Bringing back an emotional connection to the HP brand is a priority for us.”

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