Planet Unknown

Planet Unknown is a really impressive student project by Shawn Wang, a science fiction short reminiscent of Wall-E and Wire Cutters. Via Short of the Week:

To put it simply…Planet Unknown is glorious, unapologetic eye-candy! Overflowing with carefully-created textures, particles and environments, Wang’s vivid visuals are a real joy to behold. In fact, Wang’s film is technically so impressive, it’s hard to believe he created all the animation for the film single-handedly – but that’s exactly what he did.

Utilising a long list of tools throughout its creation (as Wang lists: “Cinema 4D, plugin TurbulenceFD and Octane for C4D were heavily used for most of the tasks. Houdini was used to fracture things. Then Zbrush for sculpting, Mari for texturing, After Effects for compositing, and Premiere for editing. Python and JavaScript were used for scripting in C4D, Mari and AE, which helped speed up the process a lot”), Planet Unknown took 11-months to complete, with a further 3-months for Bristol-based Echoic Audio to complete the original score & sound design.

Currently recovering from all the man hours he put into Planet Unknown, Wang has recently graduated from the Communication University of China (we hope you got top marks for this impressive short Shawn?), but looks to create further independent films in the future.

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