Nike and the Iron Nun
Nike celebrates the 86 year old triathlete Sister Madonna Buder, also known as the Iron Nun, as part of its “Unlimited” campaign. Narrated again by Oscar Isaac, the ad highlights Sister Buder’s achievements in a quirky, frenetic way. More about Sister Buder via the Daily Mail:

This spirited Washington-based senior has completed more than 340 triathlons – 45 of them the notoriously grueling ‘Ironmans’ – and she only started when she was 48.

‘People often ask me how I train for these kinds of these arduous events,’ she tells Cosmopolitan magazine. ‘And to that I say, “I just boogie.”‘

Sister Buder says she was never ‘into’ running as a child, but she was clearly born with a determined streak from the start. She decided she wanted to become a nun at the age of 14, and by the age of 23, she had entered a convent near her home in Missouri.

She later transferred to the Sisters for Christian Community in Spokane, Washington State, where she didn’t take up running as a hobby until she was 48 years old.

When, a short while later, she approached her bishop, Father John, to seek his approval on whether it was OK for her to enter a race, he replied: ‘Sister, I wish some of my priests would do what you’re doing.’

The deal was sealed then and there, and Sister Buder ran her very first 8.2 mile race, ‘ass-backwards’ she says, because the only place she had ever trained before was on a tennis court.

Behind the scenes:

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