Indiana Jones Fan Animation

Indiana Jones superfan Patrick Schoenmaker has created this incredible fanmade opening sequence for an imaginary animated series. He worked on it for five years (!!). Patrick is a character designer and animator based in the Netherlands who has worked for Lucasfilm, UNGA toys, Capgemini, KLM, IlLuster, Acme Archives, Topps, Cartoon Saloon and Sesame Street. Via an interview on Inverse:

My background is in animation, and the seed for how you’d translate the Indiana Jones character into an animated style was already somewhere in my mind. The print was the best chance to explore that.

The preliminary sketches I had were really cartoony, and I felt that it broke with the Indiana Jones world. If it’s too much of a cartoon, it loses the danger and thrill. It becomes too slapstick. Each draft, I started over with what worked in the previous attempts to keep making it better.


Certain websites make it look like there’s a full feature film coming up, but it’s more of a proof of concept. My main idea was not to make a trailer that would have just been an excuse to take some random scenes and edit them together to look cool. I wanted a story, but I didn’t have the time to make it a full short, so instead, I came up with something like the intro to the Batman animated series.

Somebody give this man a budget!

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