IKEA food instagram

IKEA’s new ad pokes fun at food instagrammers. We have to admit, at least 3 of us here in Starship do love our Instagram, but this ad is hilarious: it reimagines what life would’ve been like had Instagram existed hundreds of years ago. Via Adage:

In the spot, created and produced by Acne in Stockhom and directed by Tompa & Rondo (duo Tomas Skoging and Filip Nilsson), an artistocratic family in what looks like 17th-century France sits down to eat a meal. But, before they’re allowed to start, the patriarch summons a painter to create a canvas likeness of the food. It’s then carted off round the country for the rest of society to approve with thumbs-ups, before returning to the family who are finally able to tuck in. The spot, which was shot on location in Budapest, ends with the words: “It’s a meal. Not a competition.”

The ad, the aim of which is to encourage people to rediscover the simple joy of cooking, eating and being together, was released alongside Ikea’s third annual “Life at Home” lifestyle report as well as the retailer’s new 2017 catalog.

“We’ve arrived at a moment in time where the expectations we bring with us into the kitchen hold us back from what we might like to do,” said Johan Holmgren, creative director at Acne in a statement. “Not only expectations that others put upon us, but also those which we put upon ourselves when we believe that we have to present a ‘perfect’ image of ourselves online.”


Agency: ACNE
Client: IKEA
Creative Director: Johan Holmgren
Executive Producer: David Olsen
Art Director: Cecilia Dufils
Copywriter: Markus Bjurman
Creative: Fredrik Preisler
Creative: Katie Copeland
Client Creative Director: Morten Kjaer
Head of Planning: Morten Lundholm
Project Manager: Mia Malmström
Producer: Fredrik Skoglund
Directors: Tompa & Rondo
Production Company: Acne
Director of Photography: Anders Jedenfors
Final Art: Oliver Juan

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