Calligraphy with an Apple Pencil

We’ve heard good things about the Apple Pencil, although it comes with a hefty price tag ($160+!? for a stylus!?) and works only on an iPad Pro. Here’s some gorgeous calligraphy by Ian Barnard on an iPad Pro, created with an Apple Pencil! Beautiful technique combining handmade and technology. Via DesignTaxi:

The general perception of calligraphy is that it is a handmade art that is made with ink on paper—however, hand-lettering artist Ian Barnard has recently showed that calligraphy and technology can go together very well.

After acquiring an iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil, the calligrapher has started creating his gorgeous work on the tablet—he uses the Procreate app to work directly in Adobe Illustrator.

So far, he has shared several videos of his creative process on the iPad Pro on his Instagram account—they are every bit as satisfying to watch as his videos of “traditional” calligraphy.

More via his Instagram. Check it out!

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