BBC films City and the City

The BBC has made a film of China Miéville’s seminal science fiction book, The City and the City. We didn’t even think it would be filmable. From the BBC:

David Morrissey says: “I am delighted to be working with the brilliant Tony Grisoni again on this exciting project. I am a huge fan of the original book by China Miéville.”

China Miéville, three-time winner of the prestigious Arthur C. Clarke Award, published The City And The City in 2009 to dazzling acclaim, drawing comparisons with Kafka, Orwell and Philip K Dick. He says: “It’s been fascinating and moving to witness the translation from fiction to script, and to work with Tony (Grisoni) and Tom (Shankland) and everyone on this production. What they’re making feels both familiar, sending me right back to the book, and yet very much their own, something I’m eager to discover. I’m extremely impatient for it!”

Piers Wenger, Controller of BBC Drama, says: “The City And The City is a truly extraordinary story and Tony Grisoni and Tom Shankland’s vision of it is as humane as it is skilful. I’m delighted that we have such a brilliant cast led by David Morrissey and a production team that have come together to make this distinctive drama for BBC Two.”

Executive producer Preethi Mavahalli says: “Set in divided cities where communities live cheek by jowl, choosing what they see, and ‘unsee’, this is a story that explores the way we live together today. The City And The City is a noir thriller with a fantastical twist which will quite literally break boundaries with its unique take on the murder mystery.”

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