She Drives, Nissan Saudi Arabia

TBWA/RAAD’s Nissan “She Drives” campaign in Saudi Arabia surprises women with a driving lesson taught by their loved ones. Via Autoweek:

Last September, the Saudi Arabian government gave the go-ahead to allow women to drive in the country starting in June 2018. Saudi leaders, according to the New York Times, hoped the new policy would help the economy by increasing female participation in the workforce.

Conservatives in the kingdom were predictably outraged, but the rule passed, and Nissan Middle East is now doing its part to help teach all of these new drivers how to handle themselves on the road (in Nissans, of course) with its “She Drives” campaign.

Many women were still hesitant, as we all were when we first learned. Besides the general prejudice, they also feared that their male relatives would disapprove. So Nissan took a group of women out and asked them about driving, why they were anxious and then put them in cars to wait for instructors.

We hate to go all click-baity on you, but, you won’t believe what happens next. Break out the tissues. Yes, this is an ad for Nissan, but it’s also a nice, heartwarming concept, with a great social campaign behind it.

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