Classic Specs x Milton Glaser

Classic Specs x Milton Glaser of ‘I ❤ NY’ fame: Milton has moved from graphic design into designing sunglasses, and the results look good. Via DesignTaxi:

It’s almost impossible to be in graphic design and not hear of Milton Glaser. The renowned designer is responsible for the ‘I ❤ NY’ logo you see on shirts everywhere, and not just in New York; and who could ever forget the psychedelic Bob Dylan poster?

This time, Glaser has transcended from the realm of graphic design into unchartered product design territory. Expectedly, the transition seemed effortless.

In collaboration with New York-based eyewear brand Classic Specs, the notable figure has designed two sets of sunglasses that challenge the concept of “seeing.”

“Looking is not seeing” is the message Glaser hopes would reflect in the ‘Milton Glaser X Classic Specs’ collection. This is possibly in line with his beliefs of why art (seeing) and design (looking) are completely different disciplines.

His first creation, ‘FOLDO’, is an innovative pair with handles that extend to create a flat surface. Glaser designed this piece as an “exploration of shifting dimensions—2D and 3D.”

The second, ‘BOLDO’, features circular frames with expressive shields on each side. According to the site, “the clean modern lines of the ‘BOLDO’ are magnified by its sleek matte black finish.”

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