Jack Dorsey's Square tells a refugee's success story

Jack Dorsey’s Square tells the success story of a Syrian refugee, the first installment in a series by the mobile payment company. Via Adweek:

“We’re going to keep the American dream going, because this country is for everybody.”

Those are the words of Yassin Terou, proprietor of Yassin’s Falafel House in Knoxville, Tenn. We meet him in the timely and poignant eight-minute film below, which chronicles his success on these shores after he fled war-torn Syria in search of a better life.

“A lot of my Arabic friends, they [are] scared to come here. [They are] like, ‘Oh, they hate Muslims. You will not have a good life in America,’ ” he says in the short documentary. It’s the first installment in a series from mobile payments company Square.

The campaign’s overarching title is: “For Every Kind of Dream.”

“You come to a country and you don’t have nothing,” Terou says. “Where do you start? Like you start with people—maybe they speak the same language.”

After arriving in Tennessee six years ago, Terou was reluctant to accept charity. To get by, he began selling falafel sandwiches outside Knoxville’s Annoor Mosque after services. “This [is] my food. And I want to give it with my love, with my style,” he says.

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