Oxfam has released a new campaign titled “I Hear You”, where celebrities like John Cho tell stories of vulnerable refugees. Via Vanity Fair:
“More than 65 million people around the world have been forced to leave their homes because of violence, persecution, and war,” said Oxfam president Raymond Offenheiser in a statement. “These are not just numbers. These are people, with individual stories just like every one of us. Now is a time for solidarity and compassion; not a time to close our minds, our hearts, or our borders.”
For Driver, this project aims to bring people together in their activism and their concerns for the state of the world and the well-being of refugees from Syria and other countries.
“I hope that this project helps to remind people of their fundamental humanity and the kindness and love we can and must extend to one another,” she said. “Love is better than anything.”
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