A Street Sourced Phone Ad

This ASUS phone ad is street sourced from ordinary New Yorkers, and the result, perhaps predictably, is sheer lolsy chaos. The public sure does love its dinosaurs. From Creativity Online:

Asus, the Taiwanese computer brand, asked ordinary New Yorkers to come up with ideas for a new commercial to launch its ZenFone 3 smartphone — and then turned the whole exercise into an amusing ad.

While crowdsourcing ideas for a commercial isn’t new, the difference here is that agency SuperHeroes randomly asked people on the streets for ideas for the script. It then got comedic duo Matt Rubano and Betsy Kenney, from New York’s “Upright Citizens Brigade,” to act out the scenes and lip synch the actual lines that people came up with in the filmed interviews. The result is a ridiculous B-movie type storyline about aliens and dinosaurs, and an “international car model” called Ronaldo. Oh, and possibly the greatest end line we’ve heard in an ad recently (“Buy it. Don’t be a douche.”)

Halal’s Nils Gerbens directed the final film, which is part of the global launch campaiagn for the ZenFone 3, tying in with the idea that the phone can empower users to become anything they want. Even a commercial director.

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