Know No – Consent Campaign

The Know No campaign aims to teach young people about consent. Via Adweek:

Two women at Marc USA, Snake Roth and Stephanie Franke, came up with the idea for the campaign following news the Brock Turner, the man convicted of raping an unconscious Stanford University student, would serve a very short sentence for his crime. After seeing the overflow of outrage from friends and family, the two women got to thinking about how they could make an impact and help stop incidents like these from happening in the future.

What the women learned was that there is still a very large grey area around what consent is. People didn’t seem to understand that consent is only given when a woman or man says “yes.” “No” is not consent. Silence is not consent. “That made us step back and say we really want to do something about this and maybe that’s it. Maybe it’s clearing up the grey area so that kids make better decisions. We want to give them a tool and try to start to make a difference,” Franke said.

On the Know No website, the team created a series of questions designed to teach young men and women when consent is given and when it is not. “If someone consents to sex on one occasion, is that consent for any later occasions?” or “If someone is overtly flirty, is that consent?” are some of the questions. After answering any number of questions the user can share the quiz with friends on Facebook or Twitter.

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