Tiger Beer Pollution Ink

Tiger Beer, Marcel Sydney and MIT spinoff Graviky Labs just made ink out of air pollution – and got a few Asian street artists to test it out. Via Adweek:

“The streets are not only a great place to drink Tiger, they’re also the place where creativity, ideas and passion are born,” Mie-Leng Wong, director of international brands at Tiger Beer, Heineken Asia Pacific, said in a statement. “By using our entrepreneurial spirit to repurpose pollution into ink, the lifeblood of creativity, we’re giving creative people the tools to enhance their streets, and empowering inventors like Anirudh to take small but impactful actions against air pollution.”

To bring the ink to life, Graviky Labs founder Anirudh Sharma and his team created a series of tools that attach to pollution emitters like the tailpipes of cars. Once in place, the device captures any raw carbon and soot that might seep into the air. That is then put through a purification process to ensure its safe for anyone to use.


Agency: Marcel Sydney
Production Company: Goodoil Films
Director: Joel Kefali
Executive Producer: Juliet Bishop
Technology Partner: Graviky Labs
Technology Director: Anirudh Sharma
Location Credits: Jacob’s Garage, Indusspray, Pavithra, 80 Edifice (Bengaluru,
Producer: Andrew McLean
DOP: Lachlan Milne
Editor: Simon Njoo
Post Production: Palace
Client: Tiger Beer
Music Producer: Juan Woodbury & Christine Bilich
Music Company: Squeak E Clean
Productions Creative Director (Music): Justin Hori
Sound Design: Rumble Song
Writers: Justin Hori & Alberto Mejia
Song: “Inked”

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