Incredible photography series ‘Impermanent Sculptures’ by Vitor Schietti seems to show light dripping off trees – long exposure photos which combine in-camera light painting and post processing. Schietti says:
The series is the result of several years of research on long exposure photography, and the usage of ND filters was vital to find a perfect balance between the fading twilight and the brightness of the fireworks. Only a few attempts were allowed per day, since the time frame during which this balance is possible is very narrow (30 to 50 minutes). The Brazilian central plateau, in a kind of savanna called “Cerrado” was the scenery for most of these experimentations. The margins of the lake Paranoa, the streets and some iconic monuments from Brasilia were also locations for some of the light paintings. It’s important to say the series is an ongoing process, and more will follow in the coming year or so.
About Vitor Schietti
Brazilian photographer Scietti’s love of photography began at 10 years old, when he got a Polaroid camera for Christmas. At 14 he received his first proper film camera, a Canon 500V, going on to do a basic photography course. He worked as an art director in Montreal for a while before he felt that working in a photography studio was more interesting, and worked as an assistant until 2010, then launched his solo career.